Independent report
Statutory assessment arrangements for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum tests at key stages 1 and 2 (known as SATs).
This report sets out the recommendations of the independent Rochford Review group. It follows the publication in December 2015 of the Rochford Review’s interim recommendations.
The final report’s recommendations include:
- the removal of the statutory requirement to assess pupils with SEND who are working below the standard using performance scales (P scales)
- that the interim pre-key stage standards for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum tests are made permanent and extended to include all pupils engaged in subject-specific learning
- that schools assess pupils’ development in all 4 areas of need outlined in the SEND Code of Practice, but statutory assessment for pupils who are not engaged in subject-specific learning should be limited to the area of cognition and learning
click here to view the Rochford Review: final report