Mapping and Assessing Personal Progress
MAPP – Formal – Mapping and Assessing Personal Progress
MAPP – Formal at a glance
MAPP (Formal) is intended for pupils who have global learning difficulties (GLD) and who are accessing subject-specific learning. These are pupils who are working consistently and over time at pre-key stage levels in all aspects of communication and cognition despite good or outstanding, appropriately differentiated, ‘quality first’ teaching and targeted interventions. Pupils with GLD may be taught in special schools or within mainstream provision, particularly at KS1, KS2 and in Early Years settings.
MAPP is divided into five main sections. Sections 1 and 2 are the working documents. Sections 3, 4 and 5 contain guidance on implementing MAPP.
Section 1
Milestone Statements
The milestone statements support the planning of teaching and are not assessment items. They are not strictly hierarchical and there is no assumption that learners will work through all of them or approach them in a fixed order. They do not claim to be exclusive or exhaustive. They are not ‘off-the-peg’ targets. Their purpose is to identify key skills within domains of learning and so provide a basis for writing personal learning intentions.
Section 2
The Assessment of Lateral Progress (ALP)
ALP is the defining feature of MAPP. Its function is to express qualitative observations of learning in a framework which gives a graphic representation of lateral progress. ALP comprises a ten point rating scale for each of four aspects of skill-development, namely: independence, fluency, maintenance and generalisation. Each rating scale has descriptors which help secure consistency in judgements.
ALP (as the instrument for tracking lateral progress against personal learning intentions) is the essential component of MAPP.
Section 3
Contains guidance on using the accompanying formatted Excel spreadsheets.
Section 4
Contains guidance on writing and assessing personal learning intentions.
Section 5
Addresses issues concerning quality assurance.
Settings may wish to adapt the spreadsheets or develop their own systems for recording progress, but any adaptations must remain faithful to the principles which underpin the Milestones and ALP if the integrity of MAPP is to be retained.
£125.00 + VAT for members and £229.00 + VAT for non-members