Access FREE online training & SAVE £100s when purchasing Curriculum & Assessment materials or attending in-person National Conferences.
We are a not for profit registered charity, first formed in 1994, committed to supporting the work of teachers, TAs, schools parents/carers of pupils with PMLD, SLD and MLD & pupils working below age related expectations. To learn more about our Curriculum & Assessment materials, please select SERVICES from the menu above or you can contact our Strategic Development Manager; Paul Buskin using paul@equalsoffice.co.uk or by phone on 0191 272 1222
Find out how we can support your schoolAchieving Good and Outstanding judgements with the successful delivery of Different (non-National Curriculum) Curricula for children and young people with Profound, Complex and Severe Learning Disabilities. - Venue: Friends House in Central London.
Secure your place todayThese are 100% FREE for Equals Members to attend the 'LIVE sessions. They take place between 3.45 to 5.15pm. If your staff are unable to attend on the day, some sessions are recorded and Equals Members can purchase a copy of the recording from only £29.99
View the Equals online CPD SessionsOpportunities to visit Curriculum Support Schools and spend some time with senior leaders and in classrooms.
Click here to learn moreEquals recently hosted regional conferences in six locations. This included presentations from Schools that were currently using the Equals Curriculum Schemes of Work or were demonstrating good practice. Further sessions are planned covering Play, Communication and Independence for Autumn 2024
Click here to learn more or to register your interestAn interactive learning journal designed specifically for children with complex and profound learning needs. These materials reflect the key principles of the revised EYFS; reducing time spent on recording and recognising the importance of qualitative data and practitioner knowledge in order to provide high quality assessment for learning.
Learn MoreThis involves specialist schools, where Equals has provided additional consultancy over the past 2-3 years or where they are demonstration good practice.
Find out moreCompendium to Rebound Therapy. A new publication has been produced by HEADS (Hadrian & Development Services). "Rebound Therapy is one of the most powerful therapeutic approaches in our Toolkit when working with users experiencing a wide range of additional needs.’"
Find out moreFor pupils working consistently and over time below age related expectations, especially those who struggle with Literacy and Numeracy
Find out moreThe Equals’ Formal Curriculum is supported by MAPP (Formal) – Mapping and Assessing Personal Progress a brand new and bespoke assessment schema specifically written for pupils engaged with subject specific learning but working consistently and over time below age expected levels.
Find out moreWe are a not for profit registered charity, first formed in 1994, committed to supporting the work of teachers, TAs, schools & parents/carers of pupils with PMLD, SLD and MLD & pupils working below age related expectations. To learn more about our curriculum & assessment materials, please select SERVICES from the menu above or you can email our Strategic Development Manager; Paul Buskin - paul@equalsoffice.co.uk or by phone on 0191 272 1222
Find out how we can support your schoolAccess FREE online training & SAVE £100s when purchasing Curriculum & Assessment materials or attending in-person National Conferences.
Why not take a look at our latest news, browse our webshop or view our upcoming events.
We have thousands of satisfied members since we began in 1994
Online CPD Sessions – 100% Free for Equals Members
We feel the online training delivered by Equals have been wonderful. The relevance and depth of the sessions has been fantastic, Peter is a very knowledgeable man. Having training delivered online has enabled all our teachers to attend and have discussions after the event rather than one teacher attending and disseminating which can water down the content.
Thank you so much and keep them coming!
Equals Member & Exemplar School
Ofsted Quote (Outstanding – April 2024).
Great thought has been applied to detail the relevant and meaningful knowledge and skills that the school wants pupils to learn in each pathway. This ambitious curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils and students develop their independence and are prepared extremely well for their transition to meaningful education or supported residential or day-care provision.
100 % Free for all Equals Members
“Love these courses, it is like having a university lecture/tutorial”
“I love listening to the evidence based information”
“All the information was presented simply and efficiently. It was interesting and the time passed very quickly. An excellent training session”
Equals Member & Exemplar School
Ofsted Quote (Outstanding – September 2023).
Leaders and staff have designed a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils. It sets out the precise knowledge, skills and experiences pupils will gain, and by when. The four curriculum pathways, ‘communicate, comprehend, decode and navigate’, are uniquely personalised for each pupil’s needs.
Equals Member & Exemplar School
Ofsted Quote (Outstanding – September 2023).
Leaders worked in consultation with parents and expert consultants to implement an ambitious curriculum designed with meticulous detail and clear aims. This new highly effective curriculum, which is rooted in sound educational research, places pupils’ needs at the core. The impact of the new policy has been transformational.
Equals Member & Exemplar School
Ofsted Quote (Outstanding – June 2023)
Leaders have developed an inspirational curriculum that ensures that learning is tailored to meet the needs of all pupils. Because of this, pupils display exceptionally high levels of engagement in learning. They make rapid progress from their starting points.
Equals Member & Exemplar School
Ofsted Quote (March 2023 Outstanding).
Leaders have ensured that the school provides a high-quality education. This is delivered through a well-designed
and well-sequenced curriculum. The function of the curriculum is to encourage pupils to build on previous learning and enable them to access learning and social experiences while at school and after leaving school.
Equals Member & Exemplar School
Ofsted Quote (March 2022 – Good): Leaders have adopted a curriculum that is designed well and ordered logically. The curriculum prepares pupils to be as independent as possible. Pupils, including students in the sixth form, learn to solve problems, communicate their wishes and interact with other people.
Equals Member & Exemplar School
(Estyrn do not grade)
The assistant headteachers support the headteacher well and work together purposefully to strengthen and build on the school’s vision…… they have led successfully on introducing a stimulating curriculum that meets pupils’ needs through various learning pathways. May 2024
Be a part of an internationally recognised body actively working on issues related specifically to PMLD, SLD and MLD. £259+VAT per year